Class ProgressiveCopier

  extended by org.blinkenbyte.pcopier.ProgressiveCopier

public class ProgressiveCopier
extends java.lang.Object

The ProgressiveCopier is a utility to aid in imaging drives that have errors on them. A common problem with damaged drives is that copying them may take an extraordinarily long time from start to finish, sector by sector. It may never finish, and with damaged drives, getting as much data off as quickly as possible is important. Once the image has been created, it can be mounted or opened directly by a data recovery program without having to worry about bad sectors preventing the program from scanning the drive.

This utility aids this process in two ways. First, it maintains a map of sectors and whether they have been read or not. Second (and more importantly), it has a hierarchial strategy to copy the block device. The drive is divided up into blocks, and when copying a block of data, any errors will cause it to mark the block as incomplete and move to the next block. Each of these blocks is in turn divided into smaller blocks, forming a large hierarchy of blocks. The topmost (first) level 0 is a block large enough to encompass the entire device. The bottom (last) level is composed of blocks the size of the input's sector size. The number of sub-blocks each block is broken into defaults to 4, but can specified.

The advantage of this approach is that larger contiguous blocks of error-free data can be ready quickly, and the areas with errors are left for later. As the copy progresses, the detail with which it attempts to read the bad areas is reduced to smaller and smaller blocks.

As an example, imagine starting with a 128GB hard drive. The utility will start reading the whole 128GB drive as a single large block. If an error occurs 79GB into the drive, the 128GB block is marked as partial, and since it's the only block in the top level, the utility progresses to the next level. At this level, the drive is divided into 32GB blocks. The first two blocks are already complete and the third block is already partially read, so they are skipped. It then resumes at the fourth block. Suppose it completes fully, and moves onto the next level. At this level, the blocks are 8GB in size, and the only region that needs to be dealt with is from 64-96GB. The block from 64-72GB is complete, and the block from 72-79GB is marked as partial, so they will not be read. The blocks from 80-88GB and 88-96GB are marked as unread, so they are read. After reading, it then continues to the next level, etc, until execution is stopped or the last level is completed.

In cases where this utility is useful, the sector level will generally not be reached. If it is reached, it indicates that a straight start-to-end sector by sector copy would have been faster. The only utility in that case is where the ability to resume a copy is needed.

The map file has a header followed by the map data, which uses 2 bits per block. The number of blocks will depend on the number of sub-blocks (childrenPerNode) each block is divided into, and the virtual size of the input device. The virtual size of the input device is smallest block size that is equal or larger in size than the input device. It can be determined by starting with the sector size and repeatedly multiplying by childrenPerNode until a number greater or equal to the input device size is reached. For example, if the sector size is 512 bytes, childrenPerNode is 4, and the device's size is 48K, the virtual size will be 512 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 = 128K. This also tells me the number of levels and their block sizes. In this case, the levels are numbered 0-4. Level 0 is a single 128K block, level 1 is four 32K blocks, level 2 is sixteen 8K blocks, level 3 is 64 2K blocks, and level 4 is 256 512-byte blocks (256 sectors). The status for the virtual blocks past the end of the input is maintained as if they were real (and always successful), but read requests for these virtual blocks will never be passed to the input device.

The map file stores the status of every block in a large array of bits. The status of child blocks are not always updated; if a parent block is marked as complete, the status of the children is irrelevant. This saves a considerable amount of I/O to the map file. The storage is byte-oriented, so endian-ness is not a concern when reading the map. The low order bits of a byte are considered to come before the high-order bits of a byte. Because each status is 2 bits, a single byte can hold four statuses. At the last level, one byte of the map is responsible for 2048 bytes of input (assuming 512 byte sectors). Depending on childrenPerNode, the ratio between the virtual size of the input device and the size of the map will be roughly in the range of 1024-2048 to 1. If childrenPerNode is 4, the ratio is roughly 1536:1; assuming a worst-case scenario of the virtual size being 4 times as large as the actual input size, the ratio works out to 384:1, or roughly 0.26% of the input size, so the overhead compared to the resulting output is minimal.

As an example of how the map file stores statuses, bits 1-0 of byte 0 of the map contain the status for level 0 block 0, bits 3-2 contain the status for level 1 block 0, bits 5-4 for level 1 block 1, bits 7-6 for level 1 block 2, bits 1-0 of byte 1 for level 1 block 3, bits 3-2 of byte 1 for level 2 block 0, etc.

To determine the status of a block, all of its parents must be checked. If a parent has a completed status, then all sectors that fall within that block are considered complete regardless of their status. Note that complete does not necessarily mean successfully read, just that every sector in the block has either been read or attempted to be read individually. A completed or partial block with a parent that has an empty status is the result of a corrupt map and should never happen.

If a specific set of sectors should be skipped, a bad sector list can be used. A bad block emulator device will then be wrapped around the input to simulate errors if those sectors are read from, and the read request will not be passed to the input device. Overlapping ranges are allowed, and reads spanning good and bad areas are errored out or truncated as needed so that the read of the bad area is never seen by the input device.

The format of a sector list is a series of entries on separate lines. Each line contains the starting sector number, and an optional sector count. If the sector count is not specified, the default is 1. The numbers can be in either decimal or hexadecimal. Hexadecimal numbers should be prefixed with "0x", as in "0x64" would be sector 100. Spaces, commas, and tabs can be used as the separator between the two values. Both the input bad sector list and the output incomplete sector list use this format.

Basic operation: Specify an input, output, and map file or device, then call open(), performCopy(), and close().

Nested Class Summary
static class ProgressiveCopier.DisplayStatus
          This class is used by the command-line program as a callback which displays basic information about the copy progress.
static class ProgressiveCopier.ParamException
          An exception class for bad parameters
static class ProgressiveCopier.ParamInfo
          Miscellaneous class for holding some command line parameters and parsing status
Field Summary
          Current map file version number
          Map file header size
          Status indicating a block that has been completed (all sectors are either read or unreadable).
static int STATUS_ERROR
          Status indicating a block that returned an error (only valid at the sector level).
          Status indicating a block that has only been read partially either due to an error in a bulk transfer or an interrupted or ongoing transfer.
static int STATUS_UNREAD
          Status indicating an unread block.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new ProgressiveCopier
Method Summary
 void addEmulatedBadSector(BlockRange position)
          Appends the given block to the bad sector list.
 long calcBlockNumber(int levelNumber, long sectorNumber)
          Returns the block number that contains the specified sector at the specified level.
 long calcBlockSizeInSectors(int levelNumber)
          Returns the block size in sectors for the specified level.
 long calcNumBlocksForLevel(int levelNumber)
          Returns the number of blocks in the specified level.
 long calcSectorNumber(int levelNumber, long blockNumber)
          Returns the sector number corresponding to the start of the specified block at the specified level.
static int checkPower2(long n)
          Checks whether the a number is a power of 2
 void clearEmulateBadSectorList()
          Clears the list of emulated bad sectors.
 void clearMapBlocks(int mapClearStartingLevel, long mapClearBlockStart, long mapClearBlockCount)
          Clears entries from the map file.
 void clearMapSectors(long clearSectorStart, long clearSectorCount)
          Clears entries from the map file.
 void close()
          Closes the input, output, and map files/devices if they were opened by this class.
 void emulateBadSectors(java.util.List<BlockRange> listToAppend)
          Appends the given list of blocks to the bad sector list.
 void emulateBadSectors( r)
          Reads and appends a list of bad sector runs from the given Reader.
 void forceInputIsDevice(boolean isDevice)
          Force the input to be treated as a device or not instead of attempting to determine this from an input filename.
 void forceOutputIsDevice(boolean isDevice)
          Force the output to be treated as a device or not instead of attempting to determine this from an output filename.
 long getBadReadCount()
          Returns the number of bad reads performed (statistic).
 int getBufferSize()
          Returns the current size of the read buffer
 java.lang.Runnable getCallback()
          Returns the Runnable object to be called.
 long getCallbackInterval()
          Returns the callback interval in milliseconds.
 long getCurBlock()
          Returns the block number in the current level that is being copied.
 int getCurLevel()
          Returns the current level that is being copied.
 long getEmptyReadCount()
          Returns the number of empty reads performed (statistic).
 long getEndBlockSize()
          Returns the smallest block size in bytes that the copier will attempt to read.
 int getEndLevel()
          Returns the level at which the copy will end
 java.lang.Boolean getForceInputIsDevice()
          Return whether the input device has been forced and if so, to what status.
 java.lang.Boolean getForceOutputIsDevice()
          Return whether the output device has been forced and if so, to what status.
 long getFullReadCount()
          Returns the number of full reads performed (statistic).
 java.util.ArrayList<BlockRange> getIncompleteSectorsList()
          Returns a list of incomplete sectors.
 long getInitialBlockSize()
          Returns the block size in bytes that the copy will start from.
 BlockDevice getInputDevice()
          Returns the input device (default null).
 java.lang.String getInputFilename()
          Returns the input filename (default null).
 long getInputOffset()
          Get the offset into the input at which the data starts.
 int getInputOverrideSectorSize()
          Returns the overridden sector size of the input.
 long getInputOverrideSize()
          Returns the overridden size of the input in bytes.
 int getInputSectorSizeLog()
          Returns the base 2 logarithm of the sector size of the input (may not be known until the copy starts).
 long getInputSize()
          Returns the size of the input (may not be known until the copy starts).
 long getInputSizeSectors()
          Returns the size of the input in sectors (may not be known until the copy starts).
 ReadWriteDevice getMapFile()
          Returns the map file (default null).
 java.lang.String getMapFilename()
          Returns the map filename (default null).
 boolean getMapToMemory()
          Returns whether the map should be constructed in memory instead of a file.
 int getMaxLevelNumber()
          Returns the largest level number (the level at which the block size is equal to 1 sector).
static BlockDevice getNewBlockDevice(boolean forceNormal)
          Returns an uninitialized BlockDevice that may be architecture/OS dependent.
 int getNumChildrenPerNode()
          Returns the number of children per node.
 long getNumLeaves()
          Returns the number of virtual sectors in the input device.
 int getNumLeavesLog()
          Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number of leaves in the map.
 BlockDevice getOutputDevice()
          Returns the output device (default null).
 java.lang.String getOutputFilename()
          Returns the output filename (default null).
 long getOutputOffset()
          Get the offset into the output at which writing should begin.
 long getPartialReadCount()
          Returns the number of partial reads performed (statistic).
 boolean getPreallocateOutput()
          Returns whether the copier should preallocate the output before starting the copy.
 int getStartLevel()
          Returns the level at which the copy will start
 boolean getWriteToSystemOut()
          Returns whether status messages will be written to System.out.
 boolean isInputDevice()
          Returns whether this object considers the input to be a device.
 boolean isOutputDevice()
          Returns whether this object considers the output to be a device.
static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
          Command-line interface for the program.
 void open()
          Opens the input, output, and map files/devices as needed and gathers basic information from them.
 void openMapOnly()
          Opens the map and prepares it to be read or cleared.
 ProgressiveCopier.ParamInfo parseArgs(java.lang.String[] argv)
          Parses command-line arguments.
 void performCopy()
          Performs the progressive copy.
 void setBufferSize(int _bufferSize)
          Sets the size of the read buffer (maximum size of read request performed).
 void setCallback(java.lang.Runnable _callback)
          Sets the Runnable object to be called.
 void setCallbackInterval(long _callbackInterval)
          Sets the callback interval in milliseconds.
 void setChildrenPerNode(int _childrenPerNode)
          Sets the number of children per node.
 void setChildrenPerNodeLog(int _childrenPerNodeLog)
          Similar to setChildrenPerNode, but specifying the base 2 log of childrenPerNode instead.
 void setEndBlockSize(long _endBlockSize)
          Sets the smallest block size in bytes that the copier will attempt to read.
 void setInitialBlockSize(long _initialBlockSize)
          Sets the initial block size the copier will start at.
 void setInputDevice(BlockDevice _inputDevice)
          Sets the input device.
 void setInputFilename(java.lang.String _inputFilename)
          Sets the input filename.
 void setInputOffset(long _inputOffset)
          Set the offset into the input at which the data starts.
 void setInputOverrideSectorSize(int _inputOverrideSectorSize)
          Overrides the input's sector size.
 void setInputOverrideSize(long _inputOverrideSize)
          Sets the size of the input in bytes.
 void setMapFile(ReadWriteDevice _mapFile)
          Sets the map file.
 void setMapFilename(java.lang.String _mapFilename)
          Sets the map filename.
 void setMapToMemory(boolean _mapToMemory)
          Sets whether the map should be constructed in memory instead of a file.
 void setOutputDevice(BlockDevice _outputDevice)
          Sets the output device.
 void setOutputFilename(java.lang.String _outputFilename)
          Sets the output filename.
 void setOutputOffset(long _outputOffset)
          Set the offset into the output at which writing should begin.
 void setPreallocateOutput(boolean _preallocateOutput)
          Sets whether the copier should preallocate the output before starting the copy.
 void setWriteToSystemOut(boolean _writeToSystemOut)
          Sets whether status messages will be written to System.out.
 void unforceInputIsDevice()
          Lets this object determine if the input is a device (default setting).
 void unforceOutputIsDevice()
          Lets this object determine if the output is a device (default setting).
 void writeIncompleteSectorsList(java.lang.String outputIncompleteSectorsFilename)
          Writes a list of incomplete sectors to the console or specified file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int STATUS_UNREAD
Status indicating an unread block.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_ERROR
Status indicating a block that returned an error (only valid at the sector level).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_PARTIAL
Status indicating a block that has only been read partially either due to an error in a bulk transfer or an interrupted or ongoing transfer.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_COMPLETE
Status indicating a block that has been completed (all sectors are either read or unreadable).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CURRENT_MAP_VERSION
Current map file version number

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAPFILE_HEADER_SIZE
Map file header size

Constructor Detail


public ProgressiveCopier()
Constructs a new ProgressiveCopier

Method Detail


public boolean getWriteToSystemOut()
Returns whether status messages will be written to System.out. Default is false.


public void setWriteToSystemOut(boolean _writeToSystemOut)
Sets whether status messages will be written to System.out.


public java.lang.String getInputFilename()
Returns the input filename (default null).


public void setInputFilename(java.lang.String _inputFilename)
Sets the input filename. If both an input device and filename are specified, the input device is used.


public BlockDevice getInputDevice()
Returns the input device (default null).


public void setInputDevice(BlockDevice _inputDevice)
Sets the input device. If both an input device and filename are specified, the input device is used.


public void forceInputIsDevice(boolean isDevice)
Force the input to be treated as a device or not instead of attempting to determine this from an input filename.

isDevice - If true, then treat the input as a device.
If false, then do not treat the input as a device.


public java.lang.Boolean getForceInputIsDevice()
Return whether the input device has been forced and if so, to what status.

Returns null if not forced, Boolean.TRUE if forced to be a device, and Boolean.FALSE if not forced to be a device.


public void unforceInputIsDevice()
Lets this object determine if the input is a device (default setting). If the input filename is specified and starts with \\?\ or /dev/ then it is opened as a device.


public boolean isInputDevice()
Returns whether this object considers the input to be a device. Only valid after the input has been opened.


public int getInputOverrideSectorSize()
Returns the overridden sector size of the input. Default for non-devices is 512 bytes.


public void setInputOverrideSectorSize(int _inputOverrideSectorSize)
Overrides the input's sector size. Default for non-devices is 512 bytes.


public long getInputOverrideSize()
Returns the overridden size of the input in bytes. A value of 0 means no override.


public void setInputOverrideSize(long _inputOverrideSize)
Sets the size of the input in bytes. A value of 0 means no override.


public long getInitialBlockSize()
Returns the block size in bytes that the copy will start from. A value of -1 means to use the default, which means the copier starts with the block size that encompasses the entire input, which is not known until the input is opened.


public void setInitialBlockSize(long _initialBlockSize)
Sets the initial block size the copier will start at. A value of -1 means to use the default, which means the copier starts with the block size that encompasses the entire input, which is not known until after the input is opened.


public long getEndBlockSize()
Returns the smallest block size in bytes that the copier will attempt to read. A value of -1 means to use the default, which means the copier will stop after it finishes blocks at the sector level.


public void setEndBlockSize(long _endBlockSize)
Sets the smallest block size in bytes that the copier will attempt to read. A value of -1 means to use the default, which means the copier will stop after it finishes blocks at the sector level.


public java.lang.String getOutputFilename()
Returns the output filename (default null).


public void setOutputFilename(java.lang.String _outputFilename)
Sets the output filename. If both an output device and filename are specified, the output device is used.


public BlockDevice getOutputDevice()
Returns the output device (default null).


public void setOutputDevice(BlockDevice _outputDevice)
Sets the output device. If both an output device and filename are specified, the output device is used.


public void forceOutputIsDevice(boolean isDevice)
Force the output to be treated as a device or not instead of attempting to determine this from an output filename.

isDevice - If true, then treat the output as a device.
If false, then do not treat the output as a device.


public java.lang.Boolean getForceOutputIsDevice()
Return whether the output device has been forced and if so, to what status.

Returns null if not forced, Boolean.TRUE if forced to be a device, and Boolean.FALSE if not forced to be a device.


public void unforceOutputIsDevice()
Lets this object determine if the output is a device (default setting). If the output filename is specified and starts with \\?\ or /dev/ then it is opened as a device.


public boolean isOutputDevice()
Returns whether this object considers the output to be a device. Only valid after the output has been opened.


public boolean getPreallocateOutput()
Returns whether the copier should preallocate the output before starting the copy. Default is false.


public void setPreallocateOutput(boolean _preallocateOutput)
Sets whether the copier should preallocate the output before starting the copy. Default is false.


public java.lang.String getMapFilename()
Returns the map filename (default null).


public void setMapFilename(java.lang.String _mapFilename)
Sets the map filename. If both a map file and filename are specified, the map file is used.


public ReadWriteDevice getMapFile()
Returns the map file (default null).


public void setMapFile(ReadWriteDevice _mapFile)
Sets the map file. If both a map file and filename are specified, the map file is used.


public boolean getMapToMemory()
Returns whether the map should be constructed in memory instead of a file. If the map is constructed in memory, it will not persist if the copy finishes or is interrupted.


public void setMapToMemory(boolean _mapToMemory)
Sets whether the map should be constructed in memory instead of a file. If the map is constructed in memory, it will not persist if the copy finishes or is interrupted.


public long getCallbackInterval()
Returns the callback interval in milliseconds. A value of -1 means never callback and 0 means callback after every I/O. Because the callback timer is checked in the same thread as the copier, long I/O operations that block must finish before the callback timer can be checked and can cause the callback to be called late.


public void setCallbackInterval(long _callbackInterval)
Sets the callback interval in milliseconds. A value of -1 means never callback and 0 means callback after every I/O.


public java.lang.Runnable getCallback()
Returns the Runnable object to be called.


public void setCallback(java.lang.Runnable _callback)
Sets the Runnable object to be called.


public int getNumChildrenPerNode()
Returns the number of children per node. This is the number of pieces a block is divided into in succeeding levels. The default value is 4.


public void setChildrenPerNode(int _childrenPerNode)
                        throws ProgressiveCopier.ParamException
Sets the number of children per node. This number must be at least 2, and must also be a power of 2. There are several factors this affects. Because the map must cover a virtual device that is at least as large as the actual input device, a large value can lead to an excessively large map.

For example, if the sector size of a 1MB device is 512 bytes and the childrenPerNode is 4, the smallest block that covers the entire input device is 512 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 = 2MB. If the childrenPerNode is set to 32, the smallest block that covers the entire input device is 512 * 32 * 32 * 32 = 16MB, which would result in a much larger map.

A smal value increases the number of levels and thus increases the number of times a read attempt may be performed on a bad block, potentially to excessive levels.



public long getInputOffset()
Get the offset into the input at which the data starts.


public void setInputOffset(long _inputOffset)
Set the offset into the input at which the data starts.


public long getOutputOffset()
Get the offset into the output at which writing should begin. The first sector of the input will be written at this offset (default 0).


public void setOutputOffset(long _outputOffset)
Set the offset into the output at which writing should begin. The first sector of the input will be written at this offset (default 0).


public void setChildrenPerNodeLog(int _childrenPerNodeLog)
Similar to setChildrenPerNode, but specifying the base 2 log of childrenPerNode instead.


public void setBufferSize(int _bufferSize)
                   throws ProgressiveCopier.ParamException
Sets the size of the read buffer (maximum size of read request performed). It must be a power of 2, and larger than the sector size.



public int getBufferSize()
Returns the current size of the read buffer


public int getCurLevel()
Returns the current level that is being copied.


public long getCurBlock()
Returns the block number in the current level that is being copied.


public long getFullReadCount()
Returns the number of full reads performed (statistic).


public long getPartialReadCount()
Returns the number of partial reads performed (statistic).


public long getEmptyReadCount()
Returns the number of empty reads performed (statistic).


public long getBadReadCount()
Returns the number of bad reads performed (statistic).


public long getInputSize()
Returns the size of the input (may not be known until the copy starts).


public long getInputSizeSectors()
Returns the size of the input in sectors (may not be known until the copy starts).


public int getInputSectorSizeLog()
Returns the base 2 logarithm of the sector size of the input (may not be known until the copy starts).


public int getStartLevel()
Returns the level at which the copy will start


public int getEndLevel()
Returns the level at which the copy will end


public long getNumLeaves()
Returns the number of virtual sectors in the input device. This is a power of 2, and will be the same or larger than the number of actual sectors in the input device.


public int getNumLeavesLog()
Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number of leaves in the map. The number of leaves corresponds to the number of virtual sectors in the map.


public int getMaxLevelNumber()
Returns the largest level number (the level at which the block size is equal to 1 sector).


public void emulateBadSectors( r)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Reads and appends a list of bad sector runs from the given Reader. The input device will be wrapped in a BadBlockEmulator to prevent the sectors from being read from.

The format of sector lists is specified in the class description.



public void emulateBadSectors(java.util.List<BlockRange> listToAppend)
Appends the given list of blocks to the bad sector list. The input device will be wrapped in a BadBlockEmulator to prevent the sectors from being read from.


public void addEmulatedBadSector(BlockRange position)
Appends the given block to the bad sector list. The input device will be wrapped in a BadBlockEmulator to prevent the sectors from being read from.


public void clearEmulateBadSectorList()
Clears the list of emulated bad sectors.


public void open()
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens the input, output, and map files/devices as needed and gathers basic information from them. This must be used if performCopy needs to be called. If used, openMapOnly() must not be called.



public void openMapOnly()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Opens the map and prepares it to be read or cleared. This must only be used when only the map needs to be manipulated, as with writeIncompleteSectorsList and clearMap. If used, open() must not be called.



public void performCopy()
Performs the progressive copy.



public void close()
Closes the input, output, and map files/devices if they were opened by this class. If the device/file was passed directly instead of being opened by this class, they will not be closed.


public void writeIncompleteSectorsList(java.lang.String outputIncompleteSectorsFilename)
Writes a list of incomplete sectors to the console or specified file. The format is specified in the class description.

outputIncompleteSectorsFilename - Name of the file to write the list of incomplete sectors. If the name is null, the list is written to System.out.


public java.util.ArrayList<BlockRange> getIncompleteSectorsList()
Returns a list of incomplete sectors.



public void clearMapBlocks(int mapClearStartingLevel,
                           long mapClearBlockStart,
                           long mapClearBlockCount)
Clears entries from the map file. The clearing operation starts at the specified level and range of blocks, and continues to smaller and smaller blocks, eventually reaching the sector level. The range of blocks is limited by the range of sectors encompassed by the original range of blocks.

mapClearStartingLevel - The level at which to start the clear operation. Level 0 is the top level, containing the single block that encompasses the entire drive.
mapClearBlockStart - The block at which to start clearing in the specified level.
mapClearBlockCount - The number of blocks to clear in the specified level. If less than zero, all remaining blocks in the level beginning at mapClearBlockStart are cleared.


public void clearMapSectors(long clearSectorStart,
                            long clearSectorCount)
Clears entries from the map file. The clearing operation marks the specified range of sectors as unread, propagating the change through all levels.

clearSectorStart - The sector at which to start clearing map entries.
clearSectorCount - The number of sector map entries to clear. If the count is negative, it will be computed as all remaining sectors in the map.


public long calcNumBlocksForLevel(int levelNumber)
Returns the number of blocks in the specified level.


public long calcBlockSizeInSectors(int levelNumber)
Returns the block size in sectors for the specified level.


public long calcSectorNumber(int levelNumber,
                             long blockNumber)
Returns the sector number corresponding to the start of the specified block at the specified level.


public long calcBlockNumber(int levelNumber,
                            long sectorNumber)
Returns the block number that contains the specified sector at the specified level.


public static BlockDevice getNewBlockDevice(boolean forceNormal)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an uninitialized BlockDevice that may be architecture/OS dependent.



public static int checkPower2(long n)
Checks whether the a number is a power of 2

n - The number to be checked.
Returns -1 if the number is not a power of 2; otherwise, returns the base 2 logarithm of the number.


public ProgressiveCopier.ParamInfo parseArgs(java.lang.String[] argv)
Parses command-line arguments. Some parameters are set in this object, others are returned in the ParamInfo object


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
Command-line interface for the program.